Sunday, August 30, 2009

Conversation Play

I teach highschool conversation which is an elective course for 10th and 11th graders. We did a play called "The Bird Who Ate Everything." The costumes turned out better than you can see in this picture but I was disappointed with the performance.

My canary and props guy.

Costa Rican Blog

Hey this is the link to the blog of a friend of mine. Seth teaches English at the elementary level. He is a much more faithful blogger than me and more thorough.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Young People's Activity!
We had our first San Jose Area Reformed Presbytarian Church Young Adults activity.

Playing cards.

Playing Rummycub

I had my eighth graders over for chocolate chips. It was fun. These three girls have attended CECRE since kindergarden.

Making sure Bill will annouce the Young Adults acitivty.

Seth and Arnie at Church

Sunday School

The room we meet in for church.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Annexation of Guanacaste

For the holiday the elementary students learned traditional dances for an assembly.

These are my prepa (Kindergarden) students. They were ready to perform and we didn't get much English done this day!

Two more of my prepa students.