Saturday, February 2, 2008

Dumptruck delivering more rocks for the rock retaining wall. Notice the wall. We were so excited about how far we had got. This wall represents 2 months of work.

And this is the wall a few minutes after the truck dumped the load of rocks. I could have just told the story but it's better with pictures. It fell alltogether with a thump, we all watched it fall and afterwards it was silent. So discouraging I could feel my heart and stomach drop. So discouraging for those of us who have only been working on it for a few days but I can't imagine how it is for the Costa Rican crew whose worked on it from day one. Behind the wall or rather under the wall are several tools and waterbottles since it was one of the few "safe" shady places. Groups immediately congregated to talk about the disaster I was amazed by the witness, the resounding sentiment was gracias a Dios Thanks be to God that no one was taking a break in the shade, going for a walk down to the creek, getting a drink, or going after a tool. Fifteen minutes before many of us were working on the wall passing rocks up to people in the cages filling them with rocks. We were frustrated because we didn't have any work to do because the wrong wire had been sent. People were on there way back to the site with the right wire when the wall fell in a few minutes we would have been back up on the wall. This happened about 2:30 and after coffee break I know no one wanted to tackle the job ahead but they did! People started cutting open cages. Moving piles of stones and throwing stones up on to the higher ground. With 30 people working at least the Costa Rican crew knows they don't have to tackle this alone. We can be so thankfull it fell now and not in a couple months when students could have been on their way down to where the soccer field will be. And we know that we are not alone either and God is always with us. Someone mentioned in a prayer yesterday, Nehemiah and rebuilding of the wall. And I remembered how the book of Nehemiah talks about different people built different parts of the wall. We still have several groups coming in the next couple of weeks and each church group will work on a different part of the wall. God frustrated the plots of evil people wanting to attack them but the people worked with all there hearts.Praises: No injuries, the guys finished a concrete wall, safe travel for so many groups, I'm learning my way around, I used the washing machine and I didn't break it, I need a bank account but I'm suppose to be here 6 months first but since I visited last April and have that stamp in my passport I should be able to get an account right away, the wittness of the North Americans when the wall did fall. Petitions: conversations between work teams and cr crew, continued safety on the work site, teachers, the Green's, encouragement, that rebuilding might go quickly.

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